What is PHP Hotel Site?

PHP Hotel Site is a web system (php script) for creating quickly modern hotel websites. It comes with multiple features in the admin panel for creating and managing the different room types, add the hotel rooms, set the rooms pricing, for the users to search and book the rooms and for the administratorto review and confirm the bookings, charge them a fee or deposit to guarantee their booking, also to create photo galleries, list the hotel and room facilities, post news, send newsletter to the hotel guests, edit the site pages and many others. PHP Hotel Site is also provided with the complete non-encrypted source codes allowing you to make modifications in them or add custom features you may need, and also free technical support and free installation service on your preferred server or hosting package.

Last added features in v2.1 of PHP Hotel Site

php hotel site script New functionality to set the room pricing on a calendar

New functionality to set the room pricing on a calendar

With this new functionality, the administrator sees a calendar and can click on any date he prefers and enter a new room price for this particular date.
The calendar shows separately for the different room types and also there is functionality to change the pricing for the whole month, by entering the new room price in a single field.

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New feature for setting the fee per child

This new feature allows to set the fee per child per night, to be added to the booking's total.

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php hotel site script New feature for setting the fee per child

php hotel site script Setting the room pricing per date range

Setting the room pricing per date range

The administrator has now the possibility to select a date range and change automatically the pricing for all dates in the selected range (for the selected room type).

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PHP Hotel Site Features

→ Search form on the main site to search and book the rooms

→ Home slider showing the special offers or custom slides created by the administrator

→ See a list of the available hotel rooms on the main page

→ Page on the main site to show the hotel facilities as defined by the administrator

→ See a gallery of the hotel photos

→ Footer section showing quick links to the pages, latest news and links to social media pages

→ Special offers page showing the list of special offers and discounts as created by the administrator

→ See the room details with the room name, description, image gallery and list of room amenities

→ Form for booking a room with entering the dates of the stay, contact details and others

PHP Hotel Site Screenshots

php hotel site script creating a hotel gallery
Creating a hotel gallery

The administrator can create a gallery with hotel photos to be shown on the Gallery ...

php hotel site script managing the website pages
Managing the website pages

The administrator can edit the site structure, add new custom pages to the site, edit ...

php hotel site script dashboard of the admin panel
Dashboard of the admin panel

On the dashboard the administrator can see information about the latest booking, confirmed bookings, room ...

php hotel site script customizing the site colors from the admin panel
Customizing the site colors from the admin panel

You can easily customize the site colors by choosing one of the predefined color or ...

php hotel site script manage the room types
Manage the room types

Editing the available room types from the administration panel

php hotel site script adding new languages
Adding new languages

The new languages can be added from the Settings->Language Versions page in the admin panel. ...

PHP Hotel Site Online Demos

php hotel cms responsive script

Front-End Demo

php hotel cms responsive script

The colors used on our demo are just an example, you could easily change the accent color or other settings from the admin panel.
hotel template color theme 1
hotel template color theme 2
hotel template color theme 3
Please check out below for a demo of the administration panel.


back office hotel site script php

Administration Panel Demo

back office hotel site script php

You could log in with the following account -

user:  administrator
password:  abc123


multi hotel booking system php script

Check also our multi hotel booking php website script ...

multi hotel booking system php script

With PHP Hotel Marketplace you can create a multi hotel booking website and hotel marketplace and start a business like popular AirBNB and Booking.com ...



Please visit www.netartmedia.net/hotel-site to find out more about PHP Hotel Site, check online demos and read more about the script features and advantages:

PHP Hotel Site website
What's New

combine several php scripts

Combine several scripts on one site

Combine several of our php scripts on one site to create unique websites with single login and multiple features and functionality for the users ...


We are a software company founded in 2005, driven by a passion for creating high-quality, innovative web solutions, ready-made website systems, PHP scripts, and tools that make building complex business websites fast, efficient, and far more affordable than custom web development.
To help adapt our systems to our customers' business needs and project requirements, we offer a range of customization and custom development services at affordable prices, along with free technical support.

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