Main Site Features
→ Car search form and functionality allowing searching by different fields like car make, model, price, year etc.
→ Functionality to browse separately the different vehicle types like Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles (which are set by the administrator in the admin panel, so he can add more if he prefers like Car Parts, Yachts etc.)
→ Possibility for the user to create email alerts and to be notified by email when there are new vehicle listings added on the site matching their search criteria
→ Home page slider allowing to show own sliders or featured or latest listings or a mix between them, which can be controlled from the admin panel
→ Functionality to change the main site colors from the admin panel by selecting one of the predefined colors or entering a custom color code
→ Advanced search form allowing to search by more criteria like car features, ZIP code distance and others
→ Multi-language site with possibility to load more languages on the site and let the site visitors choose the language they prefer
→ Section showing the top dealers on the site (which have posted most listings or featured listings) with links to see the company details and its car listings on the site
→ Micro-sites functionality allowing every dealer to get his own micro site with his private url showing only his listings
→ Browse the cars by make, showing a list with makes (that can be modified and set according to the administrator's preferences) and allowing the users to browse them
→Browse the car listings by location, depending on the location list set by the administrator
→Search functionality and see the middle search results with feature to shortlist selected listings or see their details
→Featured (paid) listings showing always on top of the search results
→Search filters to filter the results by make, price, year, date posted and others
→Listing details page showing the full information for the car, the dealer or private seller contact details, form for contacting the dealer and buttons to save the listing
→Functionality to list cars both from the main site (for the users who have 1 car to post and don't want to register) and the user admin panel
→ Page showing all the car dealers registered on the site and form allowing to search them
→ Company details page showing the full details about the car dealer or company - name, address, description, video, map etc. and contact form for the site visitors allowing to contact the company
→ Functionality to rate and write reviews for the car dealers and read the reviews posted by the others
→ Dealer and private sellers registration pages allowing the users to sign up on the site
→ News page showing the latest news on the site and allowing the administrator to post news from the admin panel
→ Frequently asked questions functionality allowing the administrator to create a page on the site with frequently asked questions and their answers
→ Contact page for contacting the site owner / administrator
→ Functionality to shortlist listings and save them in the saved listings page of the user
→ Share the listings on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
→ Forgotten password functionality allowing the users to reset their passwords
→ Functionality for adding advertisements and banners on the front site in the side column, top or bottom of the site
Admin Panel Features
→ See and reply contact messages received through the main site contact form
→ Page showing a login report for the admin panel and different administrator users
→ Functionality to create different groups of administrator users and create and add additional administrator users in them
→ Set the permission for the additional administrators and their groups for the different pages in the admin panel (allowing to create users or groups having access to just some selected features and pages in the admin panel)
→ See and manage the car listings posted on the site, edit them, make them featured or delete them
→ Edit the default vehicle types, create new types or delete any of the existing ones
→ Create custom fields for the new vehicle type - showing automatically on the pages for posting new listings and the car details page
→ Edit separately the makes and models for the different vehicle types
→ Page for changing the admin panel password
→ Edit the list with locations, set multi-level locations with up to 4 sub levels supported
→ Monitor or delete the email alerts created by the users on the website
→ See the registered car dealers or private sellers on the website, edit their information, deactivate or delete their accounts
→ Page showing the reviews posted for the car dealer and companies with functionality to modify or delete them
→ Page allowing to control the image upload and compression settings or set a watermark to be added to the uploaded images
→ Edit the website pages content with a WYSIWYG editor
→ Modify the main site page names, meta tags like title, meta description and keywords and other settings
→ Add new pages to the site
→ Change the pages hierarchy by making a main page a sub page of another etc.
→ Manage separate the site content for the different languages
→ Set custom extensions (php files with custom code) to be executed for selected page - can be used to expand the functionality of the website pages
→ Delete or deactivate the pages or make them show only in the bottom menu of the website
→ Edit the template of the main site and template used for dealer administration panel
→ Upload or modify the website logo
→ Change the website accent color by selecting on the predefined colors or by entering a custom HTML color code
→ Change the background of the site with one of the available background images
→ Edit the slider on the home page and set to show in it the latest car listings or the featured listings or own slides or a mix between them
→ Create own slides by setting the slider title, text and link
→ Set if to use scrolling background images for the slider (and upload or manage them) or make the slider with a gradient background color based on the accent color set on the site
→ Post news on the site
→ Edit the available language versions on the site and add new languages
→ Modify the texts and words shown on the user interface
→ Set custom titles to be used for selected categories or locations for better SEO
→ Edit the different configuration settings on the site like the date format, currency, number of days in which the car listings will expire, time zone and many others
→ Set social media page links (like links to Facebook, Twitter or Google+ pages) which will show then in the footer of the main site
→ Create different banner zones on the site by setting the allowed banner width and height, number of banners and others and let the employers upload their banners in them for a fee
→ Special page allowing to add easily Google AdSense advertisements on the site or Google Analytics tracking code.
→ GDPR functionality allowing to activate GDPR consent messages for EU users and others
→ Payments section allowing to configure the charging mode for the users - based on subscriptions or packages or direct payments
→ Functionality to see the outstanding payments, approve them, download invoices
→ See a payments archive of the payments made by the users
→ Create subscriptions for the dealer with an allowed number of car listings, featured listings and banners in them
→ Set the prices of the services in credits if the Credits charging mode is selected to be used on the site
→ Create custom extensions and custom html tags (to be added in the template) with php files executed for them to expand the existing functionality
→ Add frequently asked questions and their answers (to be shown on the main site)
→ Send newsletter to the users - create different newsletters and send them to the dealers or all users
→ See statistics information for the site or integrate easily with Visit Analytics for detailed web reports about the site visits
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Please check below some of the advantages of the ready-made website solutions and PHP scripts we offer ...
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We strive to assist our customers promptly and efficiently. Feel free to test it yourself - contact us, and we'll respond as quickly as possible.
Multi-Language Products
A language file makes it easy to translate the system into new languages, with ready-made translations available upon request.
White Label
You're not required to include any links or 'powered by' credits to us on your site, and there’s no extra fee for this.
Easy to Customize
Our template-based approach simplifies the customization of site design and you can also easily adjust colors and other options from the admin panel.
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You can combine our various products to create websites with unique features and a single login for users.
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20 Years in Business
Founded in 2005, we have consistently offered and improved our ready-made website systems and software products.
Optimized for Speed and Performance
We focus on using simple data structures to ensure fast database queries, quick site loading, and the ability to support a large number of listings and users.
SEO Optimized
We prioritize SEO by ensuring fast loading times, using SEO-friendly URLs, and optimizing meta tags, among other strategies.
Mobile Friendly
We design all our products and interfaces to be mobile-friendly, ensuring optimal performance on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Combine several scripts on one site
Combine several of our php scripts on one site to create unique websites with single login and multiple features and functionality for the users ...