15 May, 2019

Check a collection of 63 different demos and scripts of ours on one page

Check a collection of 63 different demos and scripts of ours on one page-PHPScriptDemos.com (with direct access to the script online demos allowing to quickly preview the different scripts and their features).
Combine several scripts on one website, sharing single user log in and/or using the same template, or let us customize the scripts according to your website and project requirements!
Please note that the demos are hosted on a domain different than our company's one and also the references and product names are removed (for example neither the front-end demo of our Jobs Portal at www.phpscriptdemos.com/jobs or the admin panel one at www.phpscriptdemos.com/jobs/ADMIN have our references or the product name on it), which can be helpful if you would like to show the demo to a client of yours. In this way the client won't see neither the product name, nor the product pricing giving you the freedom to sell it to your client or use it for your project for him and charge him whatever amount you prefer (all products can be provided or installed on your host white labelled).
If you have any other questions or need some customization to be done on any of the scripts, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to help!
Combine several scripts on one website, sharing single user log in and/or using the same template, or let us customize the scripts according to your website and project requirements!
Please note that the demos are hosted on a domain different than our company's one and also the references and product names are removed (for example neither the front-end demo of our Jobs Portal at www.phpscriptdemos.com/jobs or the admin panel one at www.phpscriptdemos.com/jobs/ADMIN have our references or the product name on it), which can be helpful if you would like to show the demo to a client of yours. In this way the client won't see neither the product name, nor the product pricing giving you the freedom to sell it to your client or use it for your project for him and charge him whatever amount you prefer (all products can be provided or installed on your host white labelled).
If you have any other questions or need some customization to be done on any of the scripts, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to help!