Main Site Features
→Main search form allowing to search the restaurants by name, description and location
→Home page showing the last added restaurants and links to browse the restaurants by location
→Functionality to easily customize the front-end colors from the admin panel by selecting one of the predefined colors or entering a custom color code
→Multi-language site with possibility to load more languages on the site and let the site visitors choose the language they prefer
→One main site showing all restaurants and individual microsites for the restaurant owners that they can customize with their template, colors and preferences
→Newsletter functionality allowing the website visitors to subscribe from the newsletter
→Shopping cart functionality allowing to order food from restaurants offering this option
→Functionality for booking tables at the restaurants that enabled this option from their admin panel
→Read, rate and write reviews for the restaurants registered on the website
→Restaurant details page showing the restaurant photo gallery, address, menu and links to order food, book a table or write a review
→Customer profile page allowing the restaurant customers to register when placing their first order and then login, to edit their profile details, check their orders or earned point
→Customer loyalty program that can be configured by the restaurants and allow the customers to earn points when ordering selected products and exchange their earned points for free products
→Functionality for the restaurants to register by selecting different subscriptions created by the administrator
→Book a table functionality for booking tables at the restaurants that activated this feature from their admin panel
→Product search and filter functionality allowing to filter the products by name / keyword, price range and food category
→News page showing the latest news on the site and allowing the administrator to post news from the admin panel
→Frequently asked questions functionality allowing the administrator to create a page on the site with frequently asked questions and their answers
→Contact page for contacting the site owner / administrator
→Forgotten password functionality allowing the users to reset their passwords
Admin Panel Features
→See and reply contact messages received by other users
→Page showing a login report for the admin panel and different administrator users
→Functionality to manage the registered restaurants, set them as featured, deactivate or activate them, reset their passwords
→Create different packages / subscriptions for the restaurants when listing their business
→Modify the global restaurant / product categories
→See or edit the menu items added by the restaurants
→Create a list with default restaurant facilities that they can choose from
→Moderate the photos and photo galleries created by the restaurants
→See the list of registered customers for all the restaurants
→Manage the structure of the main site pages, add new pages, remove or rename the existing ones
→Edit the content of the pages with a WYSIWYG editor
→Deactivate or activate pages, set their meta tags for a better SEO
→Post and edit news on the website, that will show on the News page and also in the latest news section
→Add new languages, manage a multi-language website
→Edit the website template, modify the template html code
→Upload and change the website logo and header image
→Add Google AdSense advertisements or Google Analytics tracking code from the admin panel
→Edit the different configuration options like the date format, currency, social media pages and others
→Customize the website colors, background and fonts
→Change the payment settings and accepted payment options when charging the restaurants
→Edit the website's text and messages showing up on the user interface
→ Create custom HTML tags with custom PHP code executed for them allowing to extend the default functionality
→ Newsletter functionality allowing to send a newsletter to the registered users
→ Frequently asked questions functionality allowing the administrator to add frequently asked questions and their answers that will show on the FAQ page of the main site
→ Possibility to create different administrator groups and different admin users having different permissions for the administration panel pages
Why Choose Our PHP Scripts and Ready-Made Website Systems?
Please check below some of the advantages of the ready-made website solutions and PHP scripts we offer ...
Unencrypted Source Code
By default, we provide unencrypted source code, allowing you to modify it or add new features as needed.
Free & Easy installation
Our integrated web installer ensures a quick and easy setup. If you prefer, we can handle the installation for you at no additional cost.
Fast & Friendly Support
We strive to assist our customers promptly and efficiently. Feel free to test it yourself - contact us, and we'll respond as quickly as possible.
Multi-Language Products
A language file makes it easy to translate the system into new languages, with ready-made translations available upon request.
White Label
You're not required to include any links or 'powered by' credits to us on your site, and there’s no extra fee for this.
Easy to Customize
Our template-based approach simplifies the customization of site design and you can also easily adjust colors and other options from the admin panel.
Combine them with Other Products
You can combine our various products to create websites with unique features and a single login for users.
Customization Services
We offer a range of customization services to tailor the software to meet your project requirements.
20 Years in Business
Founded in 2005, we have consistently offered and improved our ready-made website systems and software products.
Optimized for Speed and Performance
We focus on using simple data structures to ensure fast database queries, quick site loading, and the ability to support a large number of listings and users.
SEO Optimized
We prioritize SEO by ensuring fast loading times, using SEO-friendly URLs, and optimizing meta tags, among other strategies.
Mobile Friendly
We design all our products and interfaces to be mobile-friendly, ensuring optimal performance on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Combine several scripts on one site
Combine several of our php scripts on one site to create unique websites with single login and multiple features and functionality for the users ...