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Visit Analytics Screenshots

Screenshots of the Visit Analytics administration panel and
the different web reports available in it ...

php web visits counter script Dashboard
On the dashboard you can see information about the current visits on your site (visitors browsing at this moment the site), the total number of visits for the day and referrals from external sites and number of search engine visits. Below you may find a chart showing the evolution of your site's visits for the last 7 day - by clicking on a day, you can see the full report for the day including user statistics (countries, browser, operating systems), number of visits per hour, external and internal referrals, visits from bots, search engine visits and others.
Dashboard - Traffic sources, referrals and visitor countries
The traffic sources pie chart shows you how many visits came from external referrals (through clicks on other websites, which had link to your site), search engines (like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex and others), internal referrals (visits from other pages on your site) and direct traffic. When clicking on any of these, will lead you to the special Traffic Sources page where you can find more detailed reports and also select a different day or week.
Near them you may also find information about the your visitor's countries and the last referrals.
php web visits counter script Dashboard - Traffic sources, referrals and visitor countries
php web visits counter script Visitor browsers and operating system
Visitor browsers and operating system
The chart shows which are the most used web browsers to access your website (like Google Chrome, FireFox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari etc.) and also the user's OS (like Windows, Mac, Linux). When you click on View Details, you may also find additional information like the percentage of mobile and desktop traffic, user countries and others.
Detailed Traffic Sources Page
The Traffic Sources page lets you select on top the day or week for which you wish to see the statistics and shows below a bar chart with the percentage of visitors came from search engines, external or internal referrals or direct traffic, table with a list of the website referrals (you can select there if to show the internal referrals or bots) and detailed information about the site's direct traffic - countries and the top visited pages.
php web visits counter script Detailed Traffic Sources Page
php web visits counter script Daily Visits
Daily Visits
The Daily Visits page shows a chart of the visits by day (so you can see the evolution) and also a detailed report for the day when you click on a day from the list.
It also has a chart showing you the visits by day of the week, so you can see which are the busiest days of the week generating most traffic to your site.
Most Visited page in the admin panel
On the Most Visited Pages you can see the list of the top pages on your sites - the ones with the most visits and also which sites or other pages referred to them and traffic to them which came from search engines.
php web visits counter script Most Visited page in the admin panel
php web visits counter script Visitor Statistics
Visitor Statistics
On the Visitor Statistics page you can select a day or week and see for it a detailed report for your site visitors - their country, browser they used, their operating system and and overview of the total mobile and desktop traffic your site got for the selected period.
Settings & Configuration Options page
The Settings page allows you to configure your preferred options like date and hour format, time zone, list of referral urls or countries to be excluded when counting the site visits, if to count the direct traffic visits and possibility to block the site's access for selected countries or web referrals.
php web visits counter script Settings & Configuration Options page
php web visits counter script Creating New Counters
Creating New Counters
The Counters page in the admin panel, lets you create additional counters for other websites you may have on the same hosting, so you can track for example all your cPanel websites with a single Visit Analytics installation.

Visit Analytics Features

→ Easy to integrate in existing PHP sites by just including a line of code

→ Not using cookies - so no need to add cookies consent messages like with Google Analytics

→ Responsive administration panel to check the site statistics and manage the settings

→ Not using any MySQL database, so it doesn't execute SQL queries, not creating MySQL server load or big MySQL database over time

→ Dashboard with links and quick information about the current visits, last referrals, traffic sources, user countries and others

→ Daily Visits page showing a chart and information of the visits per day

→ Right Now section allowing you to see the visited pages at the current moment on your site and referrals

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